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Your Liver's Best Friend


30 packages/box, 12g/package

Powdered Beverage


Main Ingredients :

RaisinTree Fruit, American Ginseng, Monk Fruit

Available in : 

Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, USA, Vietnam, Brunei, 

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RaisinTree is a delicious powdered beverage that contains Hovenia dulcis (H. dulcis, commonly known as the Japanese Raisin Tree or Oriental Raisin Tree). RaisinTree has been used in traditional ChineseKorean, and Japanese medicines to treat fever, parasitic infection, stabilize blood sugars levels, as a laxative, and a treatment of liver diseases, and as a hangover treatment.

It has been suggested that H. dulcis could help people metabolize alcohol more quickly and efficiently, which could potentially relieve both drunkenness and hangovers.

Enjoy the delicious taste of RaisinTree daily, especially before and after a party to get rid of the alcohol after-effects. This beverage is low in calories and rich in antioxidants to nourish our health. Best served warm. 


Mix one sachet with cold or warm water, prepared as a drink. Enjoy anytime throughout the day. 

Questions and Answers

Q: What research is there on Oriental Raisin Tree? 

A: Oriental Raisin Tree has the potential to prevent liver fibrosis - the earliest form of liver disease. It contains quercetin, a flavonoid that effectively inhibits inflammation and lipid peroxidation, which is associated with DNA damage. 

It may help reduce alcohol-related liver damage.

Research suggests that its extracts have anti-lipid peroxidation, anti-fatigue, anti-alcoholism, and anti-inflammatory properties. Its polysaccharides have liver-protective effects. 

Q: What does the Hovenia dulcis (Japanese Raisin Tree/Oriental Raisin Tree) fruit taste like?

A: The Hovenia dulcis fruit is a red/brown drupe that is fragrant and slightly sweet, and can be eaten raw or cooked. The dried fruits are said to taste like raisins.

Q: What makes monk fruit (luo han guo) sweet?

A: Monk fruit contains mogrosides, which are metabolized by the body differently from natural sugars. Hence monk fruit does not affect the blood sugar despite its sweet taste. Also, researchers found that mogroside V in monk fruit is about 250 times sweeter than sucrose, which makes it an ideal choice as a natural sugar substitute.

Q: Why do some people's face turn red when they drink alcohol? 

A: About a third of East Asians will flush red after drinking alcohol. It is a genetic condition, and is the result of a genetic defect in how alcohol is processed in the body. Normally, alcohol is broken down to acetaldehyde, and then acetate before finally being excreted by the body. However, the alcohol-metabolizing enzyme ALDH2 in some people is defective. This means acetaldehyde, which is toxic and a known carcinogen, is allowed to build up in the body. As a result, they are literally poisoning themselves.

Those who flush red after drinking alcohol have a 89-fold increased risk of esophageal cancer compared to non-drinkers.

The only way to reduce this risk? Stop drinking alcohol. 

Q: Does alcohol evaporate with cooking?

A: Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not entirely evaporate with cooking. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Nutrient Data Laboratory showed that it can take longer than 2.5 hours for all of the alcohol to be cooked out of food!!

Take "flaming"for example, after a spirit has been poured on food and set on fire, about 75% of the alcohol still remains. After cooking for an hour, about 25% of the alcohol still remains. So people who flush red after drinking alcohol should not even eat food that is cooked in alcohol.

Q: Will alcohol get transferred to breast milk?

A: Alcohol levels are generally highest in breast milk 30-60 minutes after consuming an alcoholic beverage of food cooked with alcohol. Alcohol may damage a baby's development, growth and sleep patterns. 

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