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Who is the BEST DOCTOR in the WORLD?

What is most worrying?

From Spanish Flu in 1928, SARS outbreak in 2003, bird flu in 2004 and evolution of H1N1 to H7N9, we are constantly being exposed to health threats. Covid-19 in 2019 will not be the last pandemic in our lifetime!

High mortality rate associated with such diseases

The average Ebola virus disease fatality rate is around 50%. Avian influenza (bird flu) is around 60%. Covid has also surpassed the mortality rate of SARS and it is still ongoing!

Other than viral infectious diseases, chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases are also rising on an alarming rate.

People with pre-existing conditions such as above are also at higher risk of long Covid, which includes loss of taste, loss of memory.

Are there Medical Cures ?

Vaccines are produced after the virus has attacked human and the genomic sequence is known.

Medical advancement increases the variety and techniques of treatments.


There is still no single treatment that can replace the function of our entire immune system.

There is also no vaccines available unless the virus is already present.

What can we do to safeguard our health from these constant health threats?


Nature has blessed us with an excellent defense system within our body to protect our health. It is our immune system, our internal army.

Who is the BEST DOCTOR in the WORLD?: Project

Role of the Immune System

Our Internal Army

Our immune system is our body’s internal army. This army is made up of several organs who work harmoniously to protect our body from foreign invaders.

Our immune system works hard, 24/7 to protect us from diseases.

Our immune system is the best doctor in the world.

3 Main Functions of our Immune System

Nutri Immune Triangle Diagram - Health Nutrition Consult 1.1.webp

What Should we do to Support Our BEST DOCTOR in the WORLD?

A proper, balanced lifestyle can boost the immune system so that its natural defense, cleansing and repair mechanisms function optimally hence enabling everyone to enjoy a long life of quality.


According to a Major Study published in The Lancet,

Global Burden of Disease Study, Covering 195 countries, 1990 - 2017,

Bad Diets are Worse Than Smoking

Bad diets are responsible for 11 million preventable deaths globally, even more than smoking.

The biggest issue is not junk food.

It is the lack of nutritious food.

Researchers are calling for a global shift in policies to promote eating more fruits and vegetables. They also recommend more plant-based protein, such as soy, over meats, as this is healthier for the heart.

Fast Food
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Wisdom, knowledge and discipline to discern and decide on the food that is most beneficial for the body.

Dietary Secrets to Good Health

There are seven main classes of nutrients that the body needs to survive. These are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water. It is important to consume these seven nutrients on a daily basis to build and maintain health.

However, to have an effective immune system, our body needs


1) antioxidants,

2) phytochemicals, and

3) polysaccharides.


This is called Nutritional immunology diet.


Secret to Youth

Antioxidants are substances that inhibit the activity of free radicals, produced by cigarette smoke, exposure to toxic chemicals, and excessive sun exposure, as well as the body’s own metabolism. These molecules are highly unstable and contribute to mutations of membranes, proteins and DNA, causing cancer and other chronic diseases.

Antioxidants acquired from plants have been shown to destroy free radicals, helping to protect against oxidative damage caused by these dangerous molecules.

Grape seed, cactus fruit, ginseng fruit, rose, ashitaba, kumazasa, acerola cherry and many other plants are rich in antioxidants.

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Natures Antidotes

Polysaccharides are long chains of molecules found frequently in certain mushroom species.

Research has shown that polysaccharides found within these mushrooms can activate immune cells and inhibit tumor growth.

Polysaccharides also help balance the immune system, thereby enabling the immune system to destroy existing cancer cells and viruses.

Mushrooms rich in polysaccharides are also used as antiviral drugs. Since 1960, scientists have known about the anticancer effects of polysaccharides.

Shiitake mushroom, reishi mushroom, maitake mushroom, yun zhi mushroom and Agaricus blazei Murrill (ABM) mushroom are rich in polysaccharides.

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3 Other Lifestyle Secrets to Good Health

Good Sleep

During our sleep, our body cells go into the process of eliminating toxic substances and at the same time repair damaged cells. Hence, it is important to have sufficient sleep and rest

Ensure sufficient sleep and rest


Walking and deep breathing is an excellent exercise for people of all ages. Do try to do some form of walking as and when your schedule permits.

Regular exercise

Be happy

Be happy and think positively all the time. When we are stressed, our body will secrete hormones called corticosteroid, which will suppress our immune system by up to 80%.

Maintain stable emotions

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Plant Doctor

Phytochemicals, or plant chemicals, are compounds unique to each fruit, vegetable and herb.

Phytochemicals protect plants, from sunlight and also ensure their survival. There are millions of phytochemicals and scientists have not even begun to name all of them. 

Research has shown phytochemicals to possess enormous healing and disease-preventing properties such as preventing infection, reducing the probability or coronary heart disease, inhibiting and eliminating carcinogens in cells and cancer cell metabolism, as well as accelerating the wound-healing process.

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