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Proteins and Muscles   

Those looking to gain muscle mass can benefit from more protein as protein plays a part in muscle synthesis. During exercise, people put their muscles through large amounts of stress, which can break down some parts of the muscle. Protein is especially important to consume because it helps build and maintain muscles.


Eating more protein increases satiety, thermogenesis, and the maintenance of fat-free mass. This means that a diet higher in protein can help you feel fuller for longer, expend more energy, and help your body favor the retention of lean muscle over the gaining of more fat.


Lifting Barbell
Workout in Gym
Weight Lifting

How much Protein do I need?    

There is no set standard for how much protein we should eat every day. Different organizations will recommend different amounts, based on an individual’s diet, age, gender, activity level, and medical conditions, if any. If you exercise, or if you are looking to build muscle or strength, then more protein can be beneficial, as protein plays a part in muscle synthesis.


The U.S. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends :


(1) Healthy adults should consume about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day.

(2) Athletes should consume a little bit more—about 1.2 – 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day.

Protein Products
Dairy Products
Glass of Milk

What are some Common Sources of Protein?    


Casein Protein

Casein protein constitutes about 80% of milk protein. However, it is not the best choice for a protein supplement. Casein protein tends to coagulate in the stomach and may be difficult to digest.


Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein is a byproduct of the cheese-making process. It makes up about 20% of milk protein. More and more research has shown that milk products may be detrimental to health. One study showed that in both men and women, the amount of milk they consumed was associated with higher levels of oxidative stress—a biological stress marker associated with aging, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.


Soy Protein Isolates Protein Powder

Soy isolate protein is a powdered food product that has been isolated from the other components of soy through chemical and biological processes. This is not ideal because as an isolate, it is missing all of the beneficial components of soy. It might even lead to thyroid and gastric distress

Meat, Milk, Eggs

Protein from animal sources, such as meat, dairy, and eggs, tends to have higher levels of cholesterol, fat, and calories. Cholesterol and unhealthy fats have been linked to a wide variety of health conditions, such as heart disease and stroke. Additionally, regulating your calorie intake is an important part of weight management.


What is a Healthy Source of Protein?    

Wholesome Soy Powder

Wholesome Soy is rich in complete proteins. It has the highest protein content among all plants.

Wholesome Soy also has 12 times protein of Milk, 3 times protein of Eggs and 2 times protein of Meat.

Research regarding soy protein and cardiovascular health has become so robust that it was awarded a health statement by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


“25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol,

may reduce the risk of heart disease.”

If I Exercise, when is the best time to take Protein?     

When exercising to build muscle, there is some evidence that eating protein soon after a workout can help muscle growth and recovery. Ideally, protein should be consumed throughout the day. Our bodies can only absorb and use so much protein in one sitting. If you are trying to build muscle, the ideal way is to consume steady amounts of protein throughout your day, but particularly immediately after exercise.

How does Ginseng help people who Exercise?     

Ginseng has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its important therapeutic qualities. Researchers looked into how ginseng can help us in our daily activities, such as exercise. 


In experiments done with animal models, researchers have found that ginseng extract protects muscle from exercise-induced oxidative stress. Other researchers have found that ginseng can help reduce injuries and inflammation in muscles caused by eccentric contractions. Researchers have also found that treatment with ginseng saponins significantly prolongs endurance.

Also, further studies have suggested that the administration of ginseng reduces oxidative stress on the liver after exhaustive exercise. Multiple other studies have found that ginseng improves exercise performance in terms of strength, oxygen uptake, work capacity, alertness, and even psychomotor skills. In fact, many high-performing athletes use ginseng in their training.

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