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What is the function of the Liver? 


One of the primary functions of the liver is detoxification. Blood travels from the gut to the liver to be filtered before it’s circulated to the rest of the body. The liver metabolizes toxins and drugs in the blood, breaking them down before they affect the rest of the body.

What is Fatty Liver Disease?


The American Liver Foundation says fatty liver disease is “the buildup of extra fat in liver cells.” If more than 5% – 10% of the liver’s weight consists of fat, it’s a fatty liver. Hence being overweight is a common cause.

Fatty liver disease can cause liver inflammation, which, in turn, can lead to serious conditions such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure.


Liver tissue has no nerve endings, so those with liver inflammation typically don’t feel any pain or other symptoms. Presently, there’s no medical treatment for fatty liver disease.


However, most people can reverse or reduce the damage through healthier eating habits and lifestyle changes. Eating less animal products, eating more wholesome plant foods, more vegetables and fruits, such as oriental raisin tree and Chinese mesona, coupled with regular exercise, can be beneficial for the liver.


What foods are beneficial to our Liver?   

Oriental Raisin Tree (Hovenia dulcis)

Oriental Raisin Tree is commonly used in Korea for alcohol-related disorders. Hovenia dulcis has many useful compounds such as polyphenols, polysaccharides and flavonoids, which act against the formation of lipids, reduce the formation of fat cells and fight inflammation.

Dihydromyricetin (DHM), a component in Hovenia dulcis, speed the metabolism of alcohol, which helps your body get rid of these nasty metabolites that cause hangovers faster. DHM also helps reduce triglyceride, while increasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL or “good” cholesterol) in the blood.


Chinese Mesona

Contains essential amino acids, fiber, polyphenols and flavonoids, and antioxidant components including phenolic acids. These components may help protect the liver against oxidative damage.

Raisintree Mesona.PNG
Raisintree Mesona.PNG

Can problems in the gastrointestinal tract affect liver health? 


The gastrointestinal system is closely linked to the liver. Whatever you eat, it passes through the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract has a lot of blood to absorb nutrients, but it will also absorb toxins. The blood goes from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver, and the liver detoxifies. However, if there are too many toxins, it can harm the liver. There can be signs of liver dysfunction, such as headaches, fatigue, or even worsening allergies.

What are symptoms of Constipation and what are the causes ? 


Key symptoms of constipation are dry hard stools and painful bowel movements.

Common causes of constipation are ignoring the urge to go toilet, lack of dietary fiber, dehydration and lack of exercise.

How much Fiber should we eat a day?  


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends the following amount of fiber a day : 

  • Women ~25 grams

  • Men ~38 grams

One of the best sources of fiber is Psyllium husks, which contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. 


What are other Health benefits of dietary fiber? 


The Lancet published a review that showed a high-fiber diet can lead to a 15% to 30% reduction in all-cause mortality and deaths due to heart disease. Even increasing fiber intake by just 8 grams a day may reduce risk of mortality by 5% to 27%.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published that "Psyllium husks, as a source of solution fiber, meets the definition of dietary fiber based on its effect of reducing the risk of coronary heart disease".


How can I conveniently achieve detoxification?

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