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Your Excellence Lifestyle Coach

Guiding you to achieve Health, Wealth and Happiness through

Preventive Science of Nutritional Immunology

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What We Offer

Personalized Consultation

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Personal Consultation for Preventive Health

Consultation based on Nutritional Immunology

Our clients are our number one priority. We'll go the extra mile to provide lifestyle solutions to safeguard and regain their health.

  • Weight Management

  • Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Sarcopenia

  • Chronic Diseases

  • Get Heathier from Young

Have a specific health question and require advice from Preventive Science Nutritional Immunology standpoint?


Contact us today to discover how we can help.

A Preventive Approach

Forbes, 10 July 2013, The Causes And Costs Of Absenteeism In The Workplace

“Absenteeism costs U.S. companies billions of dollars each year in lost productivity, wages, poor quality of goods/services and excess management time.”


Through Corporate Seminars, we help you to

  • Increase AWARENESS to employee for PREVENTION

  • REDUCE sick leave days and medical claims



Contact us to discover how we can help.​

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Learn the in-depth knowledge to the 4 pillars of Preventive Health
(1) Right Nutrition
(2) Consistent Exercise
(3) Quality Sleep
(4) Balanced Emotions


Contact us to find out how we can help today.

Home: Testimonial


What's Being Said

"Constitutionally I have always been prone to falling sick, taking sick leave every month. After taking your advice, I see immediate improvement in terms of my health, my overall energy levels and vast improvement to my mood. Till date I have not taken a single day of sick leave."

Sam Choong, PhD

“I used to get bad sore throat every 3-4 months. With help from Nutriimmune, now I find that I don't get sore throat easily anymore. This saves a lot on medical costs" ”

Choo Ee Leen





"Blessed to have Nutritional Immunology foods especially the Breakfast set. It is really good and convenient with the wide variety of whole foods and healthy lifestyle. Consultation from Ee Ting really change my health knowledge and eating habits. I truly appreciate."

Li Chin Lee

"Thank you for introducing me to the Health Solutions.

My eyes get dry easily and I get headache from looking at the monitor in Office daily. After nourishment, 
my headache is gone and my eyes don't feel so dry anymore.

For my mum, she started to experience knee pain issue, the pain is so intense that she can't walk. My family brought her to see a Orthopedic. Due to the intense pain, she had X-ray done and was injected with lubricant in her knee. X Ray result showing she still can have the treatment for her knee by injection, which can last 1 to 3 years. However, she was worried about potential side effects of injection.

Hence, I introduced her the wholesome food nourishment. After daily nourishment and light exercise, her conditions improved. Although she cannot walk fast but at least now she can walk.

Thank you to Ee Ting and right wholesome food nourishment, my mother can now walk better without the need of injections and surgery. If she is happy, I am happy too.

Louisa Ng

Louisa Ng

Contact Us

Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with? Contact us today and see what we can do for you.

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